Gravestone design and 3D presentation with program Comcut
We offer advice and a complete plan of the gravestone with 3D-visualization based on your wishes and desired material (stone, stainless steel, glass, etc.) including plan, embedded inscriptions, light, vase, and sand preparation. The process is carried out as follows:
The client arranges a meeting with the stonemason or another employee in our showroom or even at your home. The first discussion is more or less informative. The client expresses their wishes and presents his/her vision about the new gravestone or the restoration of the old one. The consultant – stonemason carefully listens and prepares a proposal for the gravestone on the basis of this discussion. With his knowledge, experience and ideas, he prepares an optimum solution.
When the draft is ready, it is time for the presentation. With a three-dimensional display, the client is shown the new gravestone. With such a display we help the client to easily imagine the size of the individual elements of the gravestone, select the colour of the material, select the style and colour of the lettering, and any additions, such as lamps, vases, sand, candlestick or anything else. Together with the stonemason, the client reviews individual elements of gravestone, expresses any additional requirements regarding installation, and the stonemason creates a non-binding quotation – a pro-forma invoice. .
When the draft is confirmed, the implementation plan with all the details is prepared. The materials and processing types, graveyard accessories (lights, vases, sand, arrangement of the surroundings etc.) are finally determined and confirmed.
When planning a new gravestone or renovating an old one, it is very important that the stonemason considers the wishes of the client. The client and stonemason have to hold a harmonious dialogue. Only in this way, can the client get a gravestone according to their wishes.
The described service for classical gravestones amounts to €50.00 including 22% VAT. For more complex designs, a special commercial quotation is prepared based on our discussion. For clients who decide to entrust us with the production of a gravestone in our company, the design is free of charge.
In the case where a client requires additional services with regard to the gravestone design and plan, we can offer them cooperation with our external architects, sculptors and industrial designers, for which we will prepare a special quotation.